National Network for Equitable Library Service (NNELS) is an online collection of downloadable ebooks and audiobooks for library members with print disabilities. With NNELS, librarians and readers have instant access to thousands of accessible books—and patrons can request titles to be made available in various accessible formats!
Already registered? Access the collection with your local library card number at the
Login page.
NNELS Services
Accessing the NNELS collection
Registration is required to access the NNELS catalogue.
- Register with your local library, or email NNELS at support@nnels.ca for more information. Note for library staff: see below on this page for registration process.
- Once registered, you can download titles directly to your computer or device. Library staff can also help you with downloading or burning to a disk.
- If you need help, email NNELS at support@nnels.ca, or find tutorials.
Searching Tips
- To find books, use the search filters. Search broadly for a keyword or subject (or simply the word “the”) and then use the filters to narrow the results. Explore multiple terms for the same topic (e.g. “World War 2” and “Second World War”). NNELS books come from many sources and cataloguing can be inconsistent.
- Books with a narrator listed as Apple Alex, Apple Samantha, or Apple anyone-else are synthetically, or computer narrated. Some people prefer computer narration because speech can be sped up without distortion. Synthetic narration also makes it possible for us to produce reader requests and if the option is between synthetic narration and no book at all, most people opt for synthetic narration.
- Browse by Collection: these lists include reading programs and literary awards.
- New titles can be found in the Recently Added section.
Library Staff Information
Information for libraries is found at the
Library Staff Homepage of the
nnels.ca site.
Steps for registering a patron
- A patron will self-identify as having a print disability, or, provides care for someone with a print disability.
- If using Sitka's Evergreen ILS, change the patron's Main (Profile) Permission Group (in Sitka's Evergreen) to: PL Print Disabled. This change will allow the NNELS repository to be available for the patron's use. If your library uses a different ILS, there may be a different procedure in place.
Library assistance for NNELS patrons
Downloading Books for Patrons: Every library has a NNELS account that staff can use to download books on behalf of individuals with print disabilities.
Reset your library’s password, or contact
- NNELS makes the electronic files available and librarians can burn CDs with DAISY titles.
- NNELS also has a print-braille collection of hard copy titles that are available in host libraries, and can be interlibrary loaned.
- Book requests are welcome! The request form is available after searching for a title in NNELS. Request specific titles, or existing NNELS titles that you need in a different format (e.g. we have MP3; your patron needs PDF). The book will be prepared, the requestor notified, and the title made available for all of us to share.
For more, visit the
Help page. Sample help available:
- Learn how to download a file and unzip it
- How to burn a CD
- How to transfer a file to a flash drive